2011-02-01 42m01s Fort Ord, CA, US Progressive House Back to where it all began. A relic back from the "help I have no idea what I'm doing" days, made with nothing but Audacity, this set was actually aired on DI.FM in early 2011. It's nothing special and drags each track out far too much. "Kites" still holds up pretty well though. 01 Kobana The First Attempt (Original Mix) 02 Moguai Oyster (Michael Woods Mix) 03 The Temper Trap Science of Fear (Michael Woods Mix) 04 Poroxx, Stripe & Cosmonaut Laya (Rezone Mix) 05 Cicada One Beat Away (Max Vangeli Mix) 06 Ultraviolet Kites (Dean Newton & Huggy Mix)